Christian Interviews a Student On his Way to The Frank Erwin Center and TEXAS BASKETBALL

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I'm here with Perla, and we're about to take part of one of the big Texas traditions, and that's us supporting our UTI athletes at their, you know, whatever sports not there at. You say ten minute walking campus, ten minute walk from campus. Um yeah, have pearly here, and she's gonna help you guys, you know, by answering a few questions on DH. Yeah. Pearl, introduce yourself and why are you here? Okay. I'm a freshman, so I'm unspecified business, but I'm thinking of majoring in finance. Uh, So how do you feel about like, the campus climate? The how? How does UT feel as compared to other schools? Um, first of all, I really like what I like about Austin is that there's a huge diversity, might come from South Texas, and there's usually, like, just all Hispanic. So when I came here, my started meeting and meeting a lot of people at learning about different cultures and races which is something I really like about Austin. So while we're going to be honest with our high school seniors here, watching, what is your favorite thing about college and your least favorite thing so far? That's a tough question. Everything about Austin ISS or college out C is the atmosphere. I love the people, get along so well and there's always gonna be something for you. We're right here about to get into the last game and the least thing about college, three things that I like. Eighty EMS. That's the least thing that I like had one today. We're about to go find our seats and get ready for the game. How are they? They're great, right? Honestly, when I came here to Austin to UT, I never thought that I was going to take, like, the random since ever. Right now I'm taking one of my favorite classes, which is life and death decisions. I'm taking a lot of basics for my business conference in some taking the A one a one. I'll get you guys some good footage of that too.