CHECK OUT our library

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Today is a beautiful day and I'm here outside the O. B U library. So this's the walkway to go the library and people go here all the time like they have study rooms in different things. There's a lot of different resource is in the library, and I mean people just hanging on there, too. So it's actually called the maybe learning center. I mean, it's still like just the library, but that's what it's called. It looks like this over here on the left, when you go in, this room is actually open twenty four seven, and we call it the bubble. All the time, you can come in here to swipe your card on that. Uh, just come in here even with regular hours R I'm going on a break in the library. There's three different floors in here and down here on the first floor by a lot of seating areas. Just use your idea of skin it, um, release printer stuff that you've done on your laptop. So students like you and me who just wanna have a cape his job, like you work here? No. And like that's my friends. Which basically means if we don't have the book, when we can borrow it from a different library, who will send it to us so that you can have it for a couple weeks. What kind of online databases do we have here? Oh, we got so many online services. I once, but otherwise where you have individual listens, not the catalogs theirs so many different times. Also we have something called the student success And her, Could you tell? Tell me about that, Mr. In successive years on the third floor of the library, Um, there is where you get free tutoring, Basically, for any of your classes, helping with papers, understanding concepts. My favorite place to study in the libraries in the study of the quiet rooms and so that's the room. I mean, it's first come first served, uh if you get here uncertain hours, easier, but it comes with a table in the white board. Some rooms are bigger, some rooms are smaller, and then they have, like little cubical sections here, too. Another cool thing that C O. B library offers his study sessions. So whether it's your Spanish class or you're history class, you're literally lips, your class or your accounting class. So maybe two nights before the night before they'll have a study session that's maybe an hour and, uh, go over concepts and topics that your professor email to them. So it's sure from your professor it really is helpful, especially with cost called Sue. They have this thing called cram jams, and everyone takes save their sophomore year, which is a mix of history and literature. You take those both semesters, and there is a pretty hard class. So definitely people come to the cram jams and just like they have snacks for you, and it's kind of a good time.