catching Up with Kristen

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You just sit down and talk and kind of catch you guys up with what I'm doing currently because life has been really crazy recently in a hole in my instagram it open like questions, something on, you know, it's called, and I basically asked what you guys wanted to hear. So I made official list of what most of those things were, and I'm just gonna talk through them and we can just like, just gonna be very chilling, very laid back today. As you can see, I'm just sitting here TV show and my freshman year I got a bunch of, like difference things like I had incorporated into one which just discusses how you know my under my freshman year is going. I love my class so close with my class, and I just feel very lucky to be exactly where I am right now with the amazing people in with the amazing classes I'm in and and a freshman year is coming to a great and showcase a couple of incoming freshman little bit asked about how our showcase went, we had. If you're not aware of what this is a freshman showcase this past weekend like this, I just cannot believe that feels like it's like here. Um, I'm gonna release some videos on my instagram. I mean, it's just such a fun thing to do with your classic at the very end of the year. Just cause you get like that last moment together before you're going into yourself, you know when things get concrete and you just have that moment with your class And it was really fun. I mean, as stressful as it was at times, it was very, very stressful things. It's still always so much fun, and it did so much for across the whole, and I'm really glad that we got to do something like that. So we just It was a very busy week, a great week, but very busy, and we didn't think we were gonna even see the cast list until after our Juries for somebody that was going around. So we thought that we weren't gonna know if, like, another two ish weeks, which was No, Really? You want to know that sign? We ended up going out yesterday, which was Tuesday. I got cast as Mary Lane in Reefer Madness, which is really exciting because she's so cool and nothing I've ever gotten put in for a show. So it will be completely new ground for me, but I am very excited as a freshman incoming software to be given that opportunity. I'm really excited, so I won't be doing that. I have so much to do anyways, you're not my summer plans businesses chickie, because I, um I'm not so exciting. I did anyone auditions, which were in January, and it went really well. I'm really excited to announce that it will be all over my instagram and Facebook, probably with the next two weeks or so. I'm not sure I'm actually gonna do anything just because this one job that I have is very like I'm demanding and I just not going to do a show this summer. I'm just excited to get back and get into that something else. I'm really glad I got to go because it sold out like within. So the fact that I got a ticket is literally a miracle, and I was just very quickly to see if I tried to see her. She'll be in front of the summer to with me another huge reason why I wanted to fly home for the summer because being without hers with very difficult were still attached at the hip. We're still very look, my sucks socks remind me of her sown everywhere them. You know, Andre is still here all the time today, actually, which is May 1st the damn recording. The day I'm recording studio May 1st is actually my one year anniversary dating Christian, um, today everyone here and I'm very impressed with myself from being with a hold on him for that long. He will also be home over the summer working, doing the same stuff that I am, which is very exciting because it's been a long year without him. Become some of my very, very best friends were just, like, all attached at the hip. That's a terrible rumor with this terrible rumor that ran into launch it all the time, which is very often, but I do it every once in a while, so I just think you're not clear on here so everyone can hear it. We could think about showing out because it's a very long, um, but they're great. I have my real family, obviously, which I will get into very soon. I just have I'm so lucky to have the fan that I haven't got support system here at Montclair because, um, I just feel like I'm in really good hands. I'm not going to, but it has been a really, really hard here without them. So it's been very different and difficult, but they're all extremely great. I'm excited to be with him open this summer on DDE. Set her up with this video because you go definitely tired of hearing about me by now. Um, I'm tired of hearing about myself So I am really excited to come home. Someone asking about that I put at the very bottom here just to remind myself I am going back of the applause words this year with John, um, where the winners from last year and we're coming back this year and we're gonna be late, my number. We're gonna D'oh of love that someone asked me to do a couple months ago when I decided to wait until, like, the apostle words, John, I'm gonna get together and dio our opinions and what we thought about the Jimmy words and how the Jimmy Wars went for us and how exciting that was going for the applause words process into the Jimmy Words process. So we're gonna do a video about that, and we're both very excited to see each other again because he's never far away with him. So I am excited to be doing all these really awesome things coming up I'm excited to see all my old friends, my family. I am excited for a lot of things that I haven't said that enough.