Boylston St: In which Ben takes a walk down the main stretch of campus!

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Hey, everyone, it's been and I'm gonna be taking you down Boylston Street, one of the main streets here ever since. So first up on our tour of Boylston, we got piano row, which is one of the dorms that's right down there. I think that is arguably one of the best, considering that it's very close to a lot of campus life because you have a campus center. You got, Max, you got convenience stores and whatnot. What I like over down here, when what I call, which is to Boylston, our is to Boylston. I like to call Diagon Alley because it's really cool looking. Yeah, to Boylston is the dorm That's really Haulage is up there. Then down here, we got Colonial much further down there, and Colonial has like singles and stuff of that nature. She's very coveted just because, like single dorms that she had. They're all in sweets on all our dorm's just to let you know. So you will be living? Yes, potentially with sweet name with a roommate or potentially by yourself. Keep that, um, right next to where I was filming, actually, is the dining hall. She pretty? We're gonna give you a more specific tour for later. She knew Really cool, eh? Right now I'm walking down Boylston Place actually, to show you few things. One is backstage Cafe our little cafe where you can get coffee. What not your A T m are ten a m and also the tough D center. We're giving you a bit more of a tour of too, but I just want to make sure you know where it is. Geographically, continuing down Boylston Way Got the walker building, which is actually right next to the dining hall. It's actually right here in the middle of everything. It's a little annoying on the weekends because you have long lines of people and you have to deal with them. It's really funny in the winter because they're wearing really like not good clothing for cold weather and you want to just laugh with them? It's terrible. We got the colonial theater right here, which is currently being renovated and will look a lot nicer to yellow. Hello, We got the visitor's center and right here is cold, low again to give you a more specific idea where it is. Lastly, but not least, we got little building just Ping, currently under construction and whatnot. Ironically, the biggest building on campus, and I'll give you some more details about it later.