Bloomberg Hall

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So this globe things really cool? You can't control its displayed. For example, let's click on the Milky Way and there it is. You could do like all sorts of different settings. You can like model earthquakes and stuff, too, and it's just super cool. So today we're at Bloomberg Hall, and this is the Physics and astronomy building, and it's one of my favorites. As you can see, there's a huge telescope in the middle, and I'm pretty sure upstairs there's a more functional one that you can actually receive training to use. I've yet to do that, but once I do, I'll be using the telescope and the building very distinct architecturally, because, like everything else and Hopkins are very like crap. Uh, so if you could see here, like hopped in Tuzla very liberal history with the space program, Um, I'm pretty sure Hopkins like Man's the fuse, the thing that you could see right here and they just kind of like detail a lot of this history, like within the building. Just read about and look at and these air patches from like all the missions the Hopkins has been involved with in some way, I feel like people never think about physics or has drawn me when they think of Hopkins stands. Obviously, the med school is very well known, but Hopkins actually does have a lot of work in this department or in this field. When I did my spring overnight visit after I got admitted, I actually got toe look into the Department of bed like we got a little spotlight things, and I got a look at the total Learn about the telescope that Hopkins was working on a class that gets in the ad, a camera, so that was really cool.