BGSU Stadium Tour!

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So today I'm gonna be taking you to see all of our sports stadiums here. B G S U WAY are starting out here at the Strove Center. Other Stroh centers where our basketball and volleyball teams compete. Um, it is also home to R. G s U Athletic Hall of Fame and the Falcon Team store. It's also where we have commencement and graduation. It's the first thing that you see when you drive to the university, Let's go and move on to the next one. There's all of our bench is right over there, and there's the field. Um, I have been to Cochran Soccer Stadium a couple times because I'm a big fan of women's soccer. So into a couple of, uh, women's soccer games here be just you and they're really cool and really fun and actually got stuck to the president of the university. They right? So I am currently here at Stellar Fields, which is directly adjacent to our tennis courts, which are right there. This is where we have our baseball and softball games, and it's consequently a great place to view the sunset. So if you can see right behind me, all those little specks running around, uh, those are our intramural fields. That's where Intramural Team's practicing. Our Quidditch team and our ultimate football team are practicing, So that's pretty cool, huh? Tio, get to see what they do. One of my friends, Chris is actually on the, uh, ultimate Frisbee team, and he says It's a lot of fun, so it's cool. So right behind me, it's later family. It's where our hockey team and figure skating team practices. He's actually a bowling green native, and he learned two you see, in this very arena, So that's really cool, You guys. So right behind me is the Doi Perry Football Stadium is actually open twenty four seven. So if you wanna go there, super early in the morning and work out if you wantto hang out to some homework there, uh, even if you want to go like stargazing in middle of the night, it's literally open twenty four seven checked so all students can get into athletic games completely free. Um, you basically just pull up the ticket on your phone, They scan your phone and you're in. I think it's something that I really appreciate as a b G s U student that I could just go to a game whenever I want floor completely free and you know who doesn't love free stuff, right? So Like I said, the droit Parry stadium is open twenty four seven and this is one of my favorite parts about PGs. You Honestly, I think this is the coolest thing to be inside the stadium and I'm usually here for football games. To be in here and to be the only person in this whole place, it's really, really cool.