Bee talks about being an RA!

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B, can you tell me and everyone else at home a little bit about what? It's like being an R a. Here? It's Sarah Lawrence. What are the responsibilities that you have to do? Yeah, sure. So being an IRA is one of the best positions you can have on this campus. It's a nice way to be involved in the community, a leader in the community, and then you get to make whatever event you wantto have happened. Like I'm hosting a Halloween movie night in my back yard on this, actually, this Thursday. So what was the process in applying to be an R A. Here? It was actually really easy on you. Just submit an application on my F L C. Which is our like school database thing on DH. Then there was a group interview and then a one on one interview. Then they told me pretty soon after that, and it's a It's a really simple process. You just need like a letter of recommendation, and then you need to fill out the application. What is your favorite part of being an R A. Here? Probably how excited residents get for events. Like presidents are really, really excited for this Halloween movie night. It's also really nice to just interact with people and to have a really nice support system of like other ha raise well, impact of the community around May..