Back to School Vlog

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Hey, guys, it's a 7 a.m. On January 18. I'm gonna do a block on going home from Florida, back to be interesting, seeing everything again. Hey, guys have essentially unpacked me room on home again. I'm officially on the train and it's freezing outside. We can reflect how a snowstorm, So I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know if I'm ever gonna make it home from this again. So it is Saturday morning, and I have just finished getting ready for my a one auditions, which is summer stock company auditions after 10. Really? I finished my dad's dance call and I finished singing, and now I'm taking a break before my tab called that. Of course, I also got a couple callbacks that are tonight and Monday, which means that I'm gonna be coming back here on Monday? Yes. I just finished a really long I don't call that getting on my buzz. I'm like, here that there were really, really tired. You go look at this beautiful storm I love storms with. I'm really not acute ways back Jell O and the same old boring people. Gets on a train to the city for more call ACS have today, and it's freezing outside the new Uggs big sweater again. I'm gonna put on my big coat, and I'm gonna, um, haul ass that way all the way to New York City. Um, far the day to do some final callbacks and I will keep you updated. Sandy You know, Catherine, and just really remember. She always says that and she's in back, like, three times the liver. First day of classes were walking Thio, Our second cost giving ass brownies for her birthday begin way. We just got our food hall and delivered over snacks to our room. Little Sue tried Rahman, we're officially back.