Back To School Supplies Haul 2017

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If you didn't already know And this is the first video in my new Rio, if you can't tell, have a new background. So today is going to be my first video for the back to school. Siri's today is going to be back to school supplies. Paul, if you're like me, you love stationary or like, school supplies. In general, we went school supply shelf brings it, and I got a lot more things. So I want to show you guys what I got for school and starting college. I'm really gonna need that for college because I could bring my laptop everywhere and take notes. Tortoises delete some push pins and Ruler, it's really cute. It's mostly just like black and white and copper because, like that, tell me about that stuff. So happy about that because in college you need a many sample. They're just, like felt tip pens the black and white for my thing that I'm really, really excited about. As you can tell, It's copper, it's white and it says, creating a little magic every day. I don't know what I knew his epic stories yet, so I just got things I thought I would need to be prepared. I got the specific paper because an elementary school in middle school when you had, like, the triangle, like, you know, like this sticky, I don't know, reinforced paper on the side. I don't know, it was weird, but yeah, so I got that. I got these erasers also because I want to be cool because an elementary school in middle school you have these races. So I wanted them, you know, college first, our newspaper. I thought it was pretty cool that purple, because I really don't see purple highlighters anywhere. My letters hopefully be highlighting a lot of college. This one says ideas and it was really cute And do the copper again. Like some of these say, a call today email today that was due and that has, like tomorrow reminder to do appointments and has, like, all these different things inside. I don't know that really means anything, but there's 40 of them in here, and I like them because they're basic just black, and I also more black basic pencils, these ones, because you never know me like a number two basic wooden console on these black. Some direction Dave White out because I like this better than the liquid kind because normal red, black and pens Because remember, along with those glasses refillable, refillable lead Because you know what comes with razor? How fun Posted plans. I've figured they really come in handy if I need to go back to a chapter in my dick knows anything like that. I didn't even wanna buy these because they're really not necessary. I want my marble, if you know, you know I love my marble. Like even white marble with copper and wiping, I get freakin obsess over. Apparently these air just the pastel version that all super vibrant bright because I'm not really a vibrant, bright person. Then for my white board in my room, I got these many dry erase markers and the whole thes I got these cup magnet thing to stick onto my way for. Then I can put these in there right calendar really would come in handy because I've been writing anything down literally has the month of May. So on my calendar until yesterday and I raised it and we're in July, something really basic that it probably don't even need. Don't know that to five star one subject notebooks in White and I also got another one and wise, but this one's really cool. I don't know if you could tell it was like geometric shapes like kind of scary looking. Then I got two black five star notebooks, one subject because I five classes for college. I might not even need all these notebooks, but I figured I would just be prepared a client composition notebook, because you never know what to do. You're so organized and I'm really proud of you sees because I'd like to make my notes fancy shmancy and be organized so I could memorize. I don't even know if I'm going to use them, but I just like they were super Kiev. It's because you just do that in college and then hold me, like, stressed out, just like you and coming. Really? Okay, guys, Thank you so much for watching this week's video. I hope you guys enjoy I love back to school shopping. To be honest with you, like I did all my shopping started, I go back to school.