Back to school essentials from a Temple University student

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Hey, guys, A slow welcome back to my channel And if you're here, Welcome. So today I I wanted to share with you want to keep in my backpack for my some four year here at Temple University? I'm currently on spring break, so I'm not really needing this, but I want to share with you what I keeping it Because some people are asking are also made a video on how I stay organized and what's my backpack over on Temple University's YouTube channel. So if you want to check that out a link it down below. So the first thing that I keep in my backpack is my journal. We're right down the hall of my thoughts and like what? You know, experiencing in this life, Sometimes I just like doodle or straight down like cute quotes that I find and Pinterest or just just like bringing dump. So I'm pretty sure I got this at T. J. Maxx, Marshalls Home Goods or one of those stores. Next thing that I keep in my backpack is my planner. I'm pretty sure at HomeGoods and I just write down, you know, like all of my things I need to do. It's one of the ways that I make sure that I stay organized and stay on top of all of my schoolwork. Normally I keep my like It's like a pink, a little new book that I got Temple Bookstore and it's just for notes for my marketing class on my television class. That is at Temple University right now, and I'm at home because this spring break, so I kind of left my notebook there because I knew it wasn't gonna need it, so that is there. Next thing that I carry with me is my external hard drag, but this is just something that I used out of my videos so that my laptop doesn't really storage. I just put all of my video files and things on here. Next thing have my backpack is my camera shop, which I probably should put on my camera because I don't want to drop back as it was expensive. So the next thing that I got in the back is my laptop charger. That is just came with my laptop, which I got my freshman year of high school. I'm now a sophomore in college, but you know, she's still running strong. Okay, so the next thing that I have a backpack are my glasses. So this metal's glasses case and then hold my glasses aren't how Keith be. So that's the kind of just looked like Warby Parker. The case is really cute and it was my mom's and she was gave it to me because I think I stepped on my glasses case and broke it. Yeah, that's definitely what happened, but I keep these in here fried backpack because can't really see from far away. I really need these in orderto understand what's going on. So the next thing that I keep in my backpack or markers and pen so I really like journaling and taking notes with the pig MMA micron pens in black, especially in the 0501 I really love just like a really, really, really thin line marker. I know I'm super knowing about my stationery and stuff, but I don't think it makes like no taking, more enjoyable other. This is like one of my favorite sense from bath Body works right now and the pit and then also in my backpack. I just have something extra jewelry because I don't know about you guys. I know that's dramatic, but I have something actually bangles and bracelets in here for if I forget to put jewelry on, I could put it on because it's in my bag, ready to use. Probably like 45 years, about five years, and you still running strong. So that's everything that I'm carrying in this backpack of this time being. So if you're wondering, was which is the black like playing Herschel backpack with the gold Zippers came with these little brown leather tassels, but the one over here fell off. So I made the soul, like, you know, when you at summer camp when your little least make like, little tie knot bracelets and remember what they're calling. Like a little tiny like thing to put on it because I wanted a little poorly. Would like some cute pink read like yellow and green colors Just so cute. Um, I used to have a pin on here from Instagram, and it fell off when I was heartbroken, but yeah, it's just like a simple backpack has little computer sleeve. It does the job, you know? So, yeah, that's everything that keep in my bag for my sophomore year. I try not to carry too much around because, uh, like carrying heavy backpacks and also I, like, live on campus. So if I need to get more things and only just, like, bring what I need for one class and then if I need more things I can just go back to my room against, um Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Yours have any video crust or video ideas about college or life or anything? Make sure you leave them down below, and I will be sure. Please give this video with thumbs up if you like, and subscribe Deathblow for more college and university themed videos.