Avery St. and Paramount: In which Ben shows off the crown jewel of campus!

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So I just came from trauma, and now I'm going to be showing you a very street and paramount, which is located in a Washington street. First up on Avery Street, we got the Emerson Urban Art Centre, which is located right here. There's all kinds of like avant garde or exhibits and like student exhibits and like things that go on in here, got some cool looking art in there. I think you're all only you could see reflections. I can see some pretty weird stuff in there, and it's pretty cool. Right next to the Emerson Urban Art Center, we have the equipment distribution centers known as the CDC. CDC is where you can get all of your equipment, has cameras, tripods, sound equipment, everything for the visual media, arts majors as well as the journalism majors who need to get things for their projects and whatnot. You are in a class that requires you to use that equipment and whatnot, but you can also get a friend who's in one of those classes to get equipment for your personal projects if you need to. I forgot to mention also that the equipment distribution center is not the only place you could get for projects that ever since you can also get them at, uh, student organizations such as Emerson Independent Video, Emerson Channel frames per second women emotion Any of those film related organizations. Equipment isn't being used for Project Currently. Paramount is a building that is probably what the prettiest on campus. It's where a lot of like theater stuff goes on there. Everyone's really nice here, but anyway, more about paramount. Well, and, you know, it's a place I'll be taking you around as well.