Audrey gives you a tour of her Dorm Room in New College House

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I live in new College House, which is Hill College files, But okay, new College house actually conceal from my window One of the great features of this room is the view that it offers. Damn, I've heard that the view's air Good. Regardless of what floor you're on in which, like, direction your room is facing. I'm on the seventh floor, so this is the penthouse floor, so that's kinda nice. Like, the cool thing about this room is that it has cubbies, which really helps a lot, because storage is always like a really big problem. I think in college with doors s so I keep some snacks up there, just like I don't want to keep them by the floor. Just cause like, I don't want, like, stuff to crawl. I don't think we have a problem without a new college. Then I got little cubbies to kind of, like organized. As time goes on yourself kind of gets on organized. It came with, like, this cute little desk which has, like, storage or I keep some, like, office supplies on also has, like, four jurors. What I did Wass I tried to take some of my favorite stuff from home with me. So I have some pictures of my family, um, my friends and stuff. Then I have my record player and some of my records that I sometimes listen Tio, when I'm studying, I have a coffeemaker because coffee is important in college. If you're not a big coffee drinker now, just wait ticket to college and you will all of a sudden live off coffee and underneath my bed I have some stuff I have, like some schools. I think some like more sores, and I have like, a trunk. I brought that I keep all my sweaters in and pretty much it. I have a refrigerator that currently has nothing in it because the story.