Atlas Sizemore, St. Louis

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Hi, I'm Atlas Sizemore. I am a freshman and I am a engineering major. So I chose UMKC because I wanted to go somewhere that was like far away,enough from home to make it feel like I was still like going away from home but still close enough that I could come back you know every once in a while and you know see my family. So currently I am a part of a few different groups. I am a part of the sexuality and gender alliance club on campus and I am a part of the School of Science and Engineering S. G. A. The student council. I am a freshman representative. Right now, we are in front of the Plaster Center. This is one of the main buildings for the engineering students. There is a lot of third, I don't have any classes here yet but I will probably next year years after that. I do meet here with the School of Science and Engineering Student council, I meet there in room that's right behind us. So one of the main things that got me into biomedical engineering when I was in elementary school, one of my sisters best friends, she lost the lower half of her right leg due to cancer and she had a prosthetic limb and I always thought that was so cool. I don't know when when you're little you know you don't think about, oh you know she lost her leg like that's so weird. My main priority was like wow you have like a robotic leg that is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. So that was really cool for me And I think ever since then I've been really wanting to work with prosthetics.