ASU Downtown Quads

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So in this video, I will be showing you the quads around downtown. So since it's more of a city area, there aren't really typical quad. But there are some areas where students typically hangout. So by the process of building, there is this like layout where students can sit down outside under shade and do homework at these tables. It's accept them for costs and just, like, enjoy theirs on the outside. There is, on the main level, just bunch of countries where people can sit in between classes or just relax. Also on the second floor of that building, there is like kind of steady areas where students can sit down, relax for class as well as theirs. Like Rose quite towards your students can do homework things like that also in that world, not in its outside students. At our post office, there is this area with a punch lawn chairs, tables where people could sit out lunch, just hang out and just look out park and enjoy the day. Downtown is compact So like all the areas where ese students arrive in time, it's manning like school buildings, food areas, things like that. So are quads are made like endures like steady type areas instead of just out and about for hanging out.