Answering Your Questions About UAB

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I don't know how that words, but I know you can't see my screen right now. What freshman dorm do you think is the best? I want to be biased. That's the only dorm I've ever lived in it, too. Three is like five or six years old now, So that's the youngest dorm on campus. Um, and because I've only lived there, I just have a good vibe from New Fresh. No offense to the other dorms that freshman had to live in. Speaking from my experience here, what one did you live in? Oh, already answered that I lived in new fresh, your favorite meal at the dining hall. I'm talking about You get the extra cheese without asking for extra T. You know, give extra cheese without asking for extra cheese. I don't I don't know how they did that fried chicken Thursday whenever they have, Like the corn bread and collard greens and macaroni and cheese. So maybe if you see me in there on fried chicken Thursday, just be like Zuri is a good today. You won't be focused on your work, and then you'll have the mindset of trying to fix something that hasn't happened or trying to prevent something that hasn't happened, which could lead you into trouble, because fear is a very dangerous thing to work done early. I recommend, uh I recommend check dot com for renting books and getting the online books because you definitely have the option to get, um, your books online Don't run to the bookstore because their books are overpriced. You know, either one eBay or Amazon with finding a my meth lab plus math code, you will need one. They'll give you two weeks time span um, order off line because in the bookstores, like 100 and something dollars. Why wouldn't they advertise that school? You know, So just because your freshmen don't let everyone just tell you anything Places you can study in private. Um, I studied in my dorm, mostly because my roommates were never really there. Um, I know that people like to study on the green, and they like to put a little blanket down and go out there is peaceful. Honestly, when the weather is really nice, Um, the hill center. I've seen people sleeping, but that's not funny. Um, I heard the third floor of the library because the first floor is usually pet. Um, what else? I can't think of anything else right now. Oh, the rooms in the buildings you can study in your building. Like, um, go back to the video where I showed you guys a tour of new freshmen hall and blazer. I think I showed some of the rooms that you can go into, Um, and it's for students. Okay, let me give you a little background of meat first because my characteristics fit into things that I participate in and things that I allow myself to see. Like how my building hosted a silent disco party and how there was a 50 shades of pink party check on my instagram, um, and little little things like that. I wasn't the type that was like, I want to live it up my first semester and things like that. Um, I actually wanted more events to happen, honestly, because I like the vibe that I got the very first semester in a few weeks of that semester because that was welcome week. I gravitated towards be set, which is the Black Student Awareness Committee, and they were hosting things in the beginning of the semester. Um, because I guess that's understandable because everyone has jobs, studies and things like that. You'll see people sleeping in grass on the green. It's like, Are you OK? Campus life really is a good transition from high school. The reason why I gave you a little bit of background off myself is because the things that you're used to doing the things that you are into determines your your camp, this life on campus. So someone else if you would ask someone else that question who parties or things like that, they may say campus life is lit way get to turn up every Saturday and things like that as me, I was chilling, doing work, hanging with friends, eating good food, going to little functions and and learning how to make lip gloss and makeup and natural hair and mental health. Oh, all the good goodbye stuff, you know, last question. Were you goto orientation just to make sure? Because I'm just now becoming a sophomore, So I don't know, like everything. Like, say, I'm the leader of who chooses roommates, like in our group so mean and whoever is watching, we all want to be roommates. I would be the leader on the roommate contract thing, and I would put both y'all's name on there and y'all would get email that basically says, except this to become roommates with someone's own in us three or four, sometimes six will be put in a building. Those people, most likely random if you don't have those five other four people on your list and even when you pick a roommate, I've heard that a lot of students didn't get who they wanted to be with, so they had to do a lot of rearranging. I'm not sure how that goes, either, because I've always done random, Um, but with this new process that I believe that you guys are able to do, too, because your incoming freshmen, um, it seems more guaranteed.