Andy the RA

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My Name's Andy Vilma Chi Minh are in a G. Was the freshman guy's dorm sophomore communications major Andy, What is your favorite part about over you, for about you, since it can feel like I couldn't go to anybody and ask for advice, just there's a big trust them, but everyone's always ready to help you out and like, go and have a great time and it's just really encouraging atmosphere to live it. So what about your favorite part about being in our end? All right, it's kind of being a leader. Some of the guys on my home be able to point them in the right direction if they need help wanted into the student success in her if they need someone to pray for them. I could do that with them or whatever the night You just kind of be the first person I kind of trying to build that that's awesome. What's the Student Success Center Success Center is a group of students in the library that have passed classes such a Spanish or sit or anything like that, and they're very trained and know what they're doing, and they help students to have that they may be struggling it. So you go to them and they tell you what you need to know you. So if you had any words to say that his perspective students about you, what would you say? I would say that over you has definitely felt like home to me as I've been here for about a year and 1/2 and it's amazing.