An Interview with Lexi!

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So I'm here with my roommate, who I will have introduced herself so high. So why did you pick the D? Oh. So I think, Teo, I actually looked at about seven different schools, and every time that I came to be ji, it seems like a very kind of welcoming environment. People always held the door is open for each other, and all the faculty were super nice. I looked at a couple of their bigger schools, and I just don't really get that seen by from those schools that don't get the same kind of welcoming, constantly being polite to each other. Uh, so can you describe the student body at BG For someone who has never been here before, I would say the student body is one that is, they value, uh I mean, obviously having a good time, but also academic standing. I feel like we actually take that pretty seriously here, Andi. Also even past that, I think it is kind of it's a surprisingly big school for the size of it, like the geographic size. That also means that it's a lot of people on a small campus. Let me is that you run into people who you see and liquor, do you know all the time across campus. I'm always saying hi to people as you walk in everything. So tell us about your major and what it's like to be in your agent. My major is a bi i ly education, which is a lot of letters that basically means secondary English education. Basically, that is kind of one specialization in the education department. Um, so we definitely took her education department very seriously on basically in that program, you kind of start in the big education world, which is a ton of students. As you progressed through the years, you kind of like Whittle down and here, specific specialization. Like, I have a lot of English and education classes now, And I always have that, like, little bubble of people there in my specific specialization. So what's your favorite part of BG and your least favorite part of B G. Okay, so favorite part of beauty would honestly probably be what I mentioned earlier about being able to run into a ton of people who know all across campus. That's it was really cool because I'm taking my tours out. Then I could just front to somebody who I know will be like, You know, a lot of people just like I don't really It's just really easy to be able to see a lot of people and makes you feel like home least favorite part. You actually have a building that is designed after a glacier, Teo. Represent how flat beauty is because it's, like, so flat. Yeah, so it is very flat, which makes it very windy. So I just kind always find shortcuts across campus to kind of make my walks Mohr indoors during the winter months. Especially, I would say the weather is probably about and the shadow of the shuttle is your best friend. Really? Um, that's all we have for today, so thanks so much, guys.