An Interview with Kayla!

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Kayla, why did you choose B g? Well, when I visited Bee gee, I really love the campus. Just like the feel of it here, all the people were really nice. I really liked, um the honors college, which was Hauser was a cool thing. I like the distance from home, Tio, because since I'm from Cincinnati, it's far enough away that I can, like, be on my own and have some independence, but still be close enough. You also kind of have that, like, sense of independence. Sometimes not really so, like it really teaches. Like I have unease E time making friends and my classes and, you know, talking to people, um and people have a lot of school spirit sometimes. Okay, So what is your major and what's it like to be in that major? I am a psychology major with a sociology minor, and I really like it. They have a lot of different options, like they have. I want a different disciplines and psychology that you can, um, explore and figure out what part you like of psychology. They have a lot of research projects going on all the time, and they take undergraduate students into their labs and teach them about research and conducting it and all that. Grad school gives you a lot of experience with that. Doesn't psychology have its own building? They have their own psychology building. So they do experiments and research studies up there all the time. That's also So what is your favorite part of BG? It's really hard to pick just, man. Um, I mean, I would say I love you Like I said before the feeling off campus, I like how it's situated and kind of like a small city because you know, you have like the downtown life a little bit, but it's still like a college town. So I like that and really like all the opportunities that you can game here and just the friendly atmosphere. I, like, don't come to because it's very historic, like it's old. It's got a lot of cute little shops, a lot of restaurants and stuff. It's not like a big city or anything, so it's not like overwhelming. Let's say something like so I feel like that's really nice. What is your least favorite part of PG hard question. I don't like the only thing I could say could use improvement. Is there parking? They could definitely use a few more parking lots on campus because sometimes it's hard. Teo, mind a place to park? Yes, but I I had that once or twice. I mean, we're still from Ohio, so we're used to the climate. I feel like since we're up north, it stays colder longer yet, so And I don't like the cold Manny.