An Interview with Jordan!

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So I am here with one of my friends who will have her introduce herself. Why did you choose bowling green? Well, I chose bowling ring because I really like the atmosphere. When I got here, it was super homey and, like, comfortable on the trees and like the buildings, was always like a really nice atmosphere and everyone was super nice. So can you describe the student body F B G for me? Well, it's really like it's like a really big sense of togetherness. Like there's there's always like some sort of group that's gathering in the Union Oval in front of the education building. Like everybody kind of stops by and like, nobody is, like, really afraid to talk Teo each other like everybody. If you want to see some of our groups that we have in the Union Oval, go and check out the Union tour s. So what is your major and what's it like to be in your major. Um like being a nursing major, You have, at least for me, Like they changed this year. I have two years of undergrad here at Bowling Green, and it's just science courses and just preliminary kind of courses. Um, the next two years, your actual nursing classes, you do clinic ALS and stuff like that where it's going to be way more intense and more like, It's harder get there and way more fun. So what is your favorite part of Gigi and your least favorite part of PG? Um, I'd say I think my favorite partner is just like how it's not like too big and it's not too small. It just feels like it's like a perfect type size and that is able to carry over toe like just how I'm able to, like see all the buildings. I'm able to, like see everything on campus. So like I can, I can pick out people in the crowd that I no like. At the same time, I don't know a lot of people a swell. So it's like it's nice because you get to see and do a lot of different things every day. The thing I guess I don't like about it is time. The parking or Yeah, it's Yeah, there's just not enough parking. Yeah, but I totally agree with you on the whole size thing. It's like it's big, but it's also small.