An Interview with George!

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George, why did you choose B g? Well, I trust bg because wanna have my major, which is pre dumped history, and two because I got here, and I just love the campus. Can you describe the student body for someone who's never been to be G before the student body and be gee, I would say is really friendly. When you get here, they're all like, Oh, you're a freshman. Like the mire bus and all that and everyone super nice. It just feels like their flight home and nice and family. I feel like it was almost like an instinct when I was a sophomore leg. Are you lost? Like, Do you need anything you can text me like we really kind of look out for each other. Uh, can you tell us a little bit about what it's like to be a pre dental student at B G? It's a lot of science because, you know, I'm technically a biology major in pre dental track, and it's a lot of work, but the teachers are all agreed. We have the learning commons, which is great for tutoring, and it's free. So if you're struggling in any class, you can just go there. Some classes are harder than others, so just, you know, be prepared for that. Yeah, The dreaded o come o come has dreaded everywhere. No matter where you go, OK is going to be looming behind you. What is your favorite part of BG? Um, I'd say my favorite part of Fiji is that is the campus, and I kind of like the setting to the town's cute and everything's closed. Everything's in walking distance and I don't know, it just feels nice and homey and small, which is nice for me at least to get out of like a big town like Cleveland. It's like I'm from Cincinnati, which is also like a bigger city. I really like DJ because you can walk to class and, like, recognize a person or two, but you don't know everyone, so it feels big. It also kind of has like that, like small college feel. What is your least part? B G. I have to say the wind one, especially in the winter. So if you come to Petey, bring a very, very heavy coat. Number one tip for incoming freshman of PG Go spend the money on the coat. If you're going to spend money on something, splurge for a really nice coat because you will thank yourself when winter rolls around. Eso Thank you so much for interviewing with us, George.