An Interview with Andy!

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Hi, I So I'm here with one of my dear friends and neighbours on and I'll have him introduce himself. Andy, why did you choose B g? Just because it has the aviation major, I want to know about those kids. So And we are one of only two universities in United States that have an airport on campus, The Wood County airport. Can you describe the student but the student body at BG for us? Um, the very active. You'll see people out on the field and stuff hanging out from the union. If you want to find out a little bit more about the union, go check out my union tour where we go talk to some of the groups at the Union Oval. Um, can you tell us a little bit about what it's like to be in aviation, Major? Uh, it's a very hands on experience. There's a lot of, like, actual flying the planes, which is, uh you're not getting it right away that the first, like, two weeks of the semester last year. We met last year, our freshman year, and he came home from class one day, and he was like, Yeah, I flew on a plane, and I was like, already, but And he still does it go Annie s. So what is your favorite part about BG A prodigy. Like, people have really, really nice that you're almost suspicious the first. So now what's your least favorite part? B G? Um, at least I brought a B G I don't know it's Ah! No, a lot of good things about it. It was very windy here because it was flat on fact. It's completely flat here, so it's very windy. Well, anyway, thank you so much for interviewing with us.