Amanda and Sarah talk about dorm life

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Like what are things that people should bring that they may not think of? Definitely a lot of bin's way. Both have a ton of under bed storage space and definitely the risers for the bed. Public storage bins under there? Wow, that's handy. We have expression for fall everywhere because there's not that many outlets and you have when you look around like you're so much stuff too plebian, like printers and fans and fridge. So this door doesn't have a C, And right now it's called Soul Hands are away. When we got here, it was like ninety degrees, seven going are the printer and the coffee machine necessary. You think or, like, Are there other places you can get? That depends on your habits. They do have actually ordered coffee at the dining hall. If I don't feel like leaving the room, it's nice to have coffee or tea and you could use it like if you have back inches or something like, you can heat up stuff for oatmeal, which is nice because you don't have to go into the lounge to do that printer. They do have places in like Sam on the library, where you can print changes way, have to pay for page. Where could you possibly live Freshman year and like, How is this one in comparison? So technically, honors house. So it's mostly if you're in the University honors Living Learning Program, you're in danger. All the dorm buildings are relatively the same and my money and I want that in a couple of them, like no matter what community. The Elton Community, which is where we are, is really nice because you do have the dining hall right here on the campus. Queen doesn't have their own dining hall suit to walk through this one, and the Denton community has two fifty one. Are as good as this on like they're only open till eight PM, so it's not really as convenient. You could really, like, make the most your room, too, like it was definitely did not look like that. Furniture was like, set up in a completely different way. Both of the beds were over here, Liam sticking out like this and it felt so small you can pay. I think it's like a hundred dollars to have your bed loft in and a That's something you're into that makes a lot of space because your death and your dresser on and like all of this space up, are there boys on your floor like, how is it mixed up? So most floors on him? Your sound? Actually, every floor in Hagerstown except for the floor that were on which is the fourth floor is split up. So when you go to the left of the elevator, it's all girls with the girl. Some buildings have for is that you can You can also say, like your preferences. Like if you really do not want to live on a floor by gender like ours is what it's like. Every room you can put, like you fill out a questionnaire at the beginning of the year saying Like what? You'd be comfortable with us. They have a community living agreement that you're supposed to fill out when you get here. Basically, like outlining what you're gonna do if any problem arises. Then if there is a situation, you must refer back to the agreement that you signed, and that does help with a lot of your roommate disputes.