Alpha Phi Omega: In which Ben makes his Big tell you all about their cult... or Fraternity... same diff

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Hey, guys, this is then and I'm just going to show you guys some of the awesomeness. That is the fraternity that I'm a part of called Alpha Phi Omega. Julia, um, what is so first of all, I guess like Tommy a little bit, just in general. Like, what is f s l wife? What F s l mean like what is that? So fraternities or a life f s L. That's what it stands for. It's super father Emerson because it's not like other schools like st schools where they're like, huge and like, half three part of it. It's like we're super chill on like we have a really good time. There's professional social service and no yeah, they are what they call themselves filled cinematic sense. Good films, but also, uh, just give me a little more details about Alfa File Nega. We're a service fraternity and this is our shoes are she was our president this past semester this past year. Now she's not because she's graduating when you're really sad, but we haven't awesome keyboard executive board that is set up and we do all, like put together service events and things we do fellowships, which is when everyone gets together and, like, have fun times. Uh, what else? There's like new member education stuff that happens to so definitely look into the Epistle lords. When you if if you come to Emerson when you come to ever since you should.