Advice to Incoming Freshmen - How to Deal with Homesickness

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So in this video, I'm going to talk about some advice to incoming freshmen at Temple and also just incoming freshmen, I think in general, because it probably does apply to most schools. I would say, just like when you're going to a school, everybody wants to make friends. You're not the only one who feels lonely but feels like everyone else. Probably ready, has their group already, So just go out there. Then if you see people that looked friendly or cease when you vaguely recognized like just go ask you sit with them, they'LL probably say Yes, nobody I asked with like, Hey, can I sit here? No one overs like No, I mean, obviously, if someone's like crying or something, don't say hi, but they're not going to be most likely. I only wanted to join a club if they could get out people drawn with them, and then I know they didn't get to do something that really wanted. Don't be afraid not to have friends going into a club because chances are that you'LL make friends through the club. That's what I have done with some of the organization's. I'm in a temple and those people becomes my best friends. It's nice because then I don't just have, like, one group of friends in my dorm. I have friends in my dorm, friends and classes, friends and clubs, and it's all really nice. I would also say, If you recognize that you're feeling homesick, then it's not a problem to call your parents. I don't recommend going home every weekend if you can help it, because it's over the weekend that you'LL start hanging out with more people. If you're always gone and you'LL never make those memories of that makes sense. Don't be afraid to call home or call some of your friends from high school or anything like that. If you want, like a voice that you recognize a little more, there's no shame being like I'm a little homesick. Probably everyone's a little homesick at one point or another in their college career, but also say try to start off the start coach. You want to do that? So that way, if there is something that comes up unexpected, you have a little buffer and you have that teacher trust. Don't assume that you're fresh out of college. Just goto lost the parties all the time because that's not gonna work out for you. It's really about finding balance your freshman year, and it's totally okay to withdraw from a class if it's too hard for you or, you know, come back and activity ETM or less go to the gym like do stuff that will work out for you. It doesn't work out generally, no harm, no foul. Just endit what's not working out and try something new because college is literally all about trying something new and growing as a person. They meet any of you, but I'm really looking forward to seeing your effects on the world to come.