A Dorm Tour in Smiley Hall

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Now for a room toward So this is my door because her name's on the doors open. I had mine propped open, but because the door you have to have a Clio. So when you first walk in the door, we have little coffee cart set up. It has learned Uggs and stuff, and then we have our microwave and our mini fridge and you can run them through the school. We decided it was more cost effective to just buy them. The room, for some reason, has thes to towel bars. I guess since it's right outside the bathroom, it makes sense. We use the toilet paper towels and we took down the other one. So in my dresser, my desk and my bed and my little dresser down there and then this is the bathroom, which I'll give you a tour in a second. There are actually two drawers right here, which are super convenient. I keep my shoes in the bottom and someone like my pajamas in my workout clothes in the top one, and then you plenty of room to hang your stuff. I brought a lot of clothes and was able to fit it all. In this shelf is super convenient to put stuff on. It's kind of a mess right now, but as you can see, there's a drawer on the top. You can raise and lower if you can see that right there. That's kind of to show you how high and how low it can go. I didn't raise mine, but my roommate did just a little bit because her dresser wouldn't fit. I do have to use my little Ottoman right there to step up, but it's not. It's just tall enough to fit this little dresser that comes with on the dorm is, well, three drawers, plenty of space. I really brought so many clothes is ridiculous, and I still was able to fit them all. Thank God and then under my bed I have a little rolling shelf thing that I brought from home on my laundry basket. There's some other random things back there. So all the dorms at UT do have a C. Thank God because we're in Florida and it's super nice because I believe in all of the dorms you can adjust thie how you want it, though. The room next to ours is connected to us through a bathroom. There's four of us, so the bathroom has two sinks. It's really big, super convenient for having two people, especially to girls. Then we have We added the shower curtain extra because it was just like an open area was kind of weird. The cleaning team that comes through in the bathroom once a week replaces the toilet paper for us to super great. They worked on our sinks and stuff, and they clean the shower, so that's a nice perk. We don't actually have to clean our bathrooms, but we do need to clean our rooms. Yeah, I really like, um, the storm and the bathroom is really nice. It's not bad. And it was just recently renovated, Um, like three months ago. So it's one of the nicer and newer dorms on campus, so I would definitely recommend it.