A day in the life of a college student

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So I am here at a landmark at USF. This is a structure designed to represent water molecules, but everyone kind of just calls it the Maquis mouse sculpture. I figured I would sit here until you guys a little about my day and what I do in my week with my schedule looks like so All of my classes start at eleven o'Clock, which is super, super nice. If you have the opportunity to take eight AM courses, don't you did it in high school. Thursday schedule and I have a Friday breakout class. So at eleven o'Clock on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have my managerial accounting course. Then after that, I go to Micro at three thirty, and that'll be over at four forty five. All classes are going to be about an hour and fifteen minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have stats one at eleven a. M, and then immediately after its I go to my enter toe advertising course, that will be over at, like three thirty ish and then on Tuesdays that actually have a three hour long, once a week class for entered to communications that I take that's from six thirty to nine for three hour classes because credits for house many credits, what you're going to get. That's how many hours you're gonna be in class that week. So for three hour long classes, you only have to meet once a week, which is kind of nice if you just want to get it done and out of the way. Um, I mentioned that I have a Friday class, so a couple of the business courses that you're going to take if you end up deciding to be a business major. I'm not quite sure how it works for other majors. They'll have a Friday breakout session, so you have your two normal class times. Then you meet for about fifty minutes on Fridays to go over homework, to kind of discuss things. Mauritz Mawr in depth and smaller glasses than what you're going to get in like your lecture style courses. That being said, not a lot of classes are the giant lecture style halls. If you lecture styles, I'll try and show you guys a few more discussion based. A lot of my classes are actually only about thirty two fifty people like mid sized classes. I do have to lecture style one with like, three hundred students, which is my accounting course. Then I have another one, like one hundred fifty students, which really is actually kind of small. Like when you get it, it doesn't seem like it's as many people. You still got a lot of good one on one attention from professors. I know I personally love to have that one on one relationship being able to go and talk to Professor and be like, Hey, you know, like, I was having an issue with this or is having an issue with that, and they really like to sit down and help you through it. Not all but a lot of professors is going to be willing to kind of you know who stop your grade a little bit. If you're right on that line, the blue shoot, the next letter grade, so and they're they're really working for you. Just make sure that you know, you're sitting in front of class and you try and have that conversation with them. Uh, little one hundred percent go a long way assed faras. Like my day to day activities, I usually wake up like eight or nine, take a shower, eat breakfast clean a little bit because I probably didn't do dishes the night before and then head to class. Homework is really not something that I've really ever had to struggle with. Every once in a while, all of the professors will just give you the same about not, actually, but it seems like that sometimes. For the most part, it's not something that I've ever felt completely overburdened with, which is really, really nice. It's not constant homework constantly all the time. I'll come and hang out with friends, cooked dinner with my roommate. Uh, it's there's a I don't want to say there's a lot of free time, but don't worry about it constantly being stuck in your room, being stuck in your dorm, trying to keep up with work, because I promise you it is one hundred percent manageable as long as you stay on top of it and then allow yourself to have the free time, make sure that you're giving yourself a half a healthy balance of both because it's entirely possible to manage both and not be completely overwhelmed.