A Day In My Life @ Princeton University

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So I usually try to go for library beforehand to be productive for a couple hours, and then I'll show you around grass in my date. Um, and I'm heading straight to the library, but I usually don't eat breakfast. So now I'm heading over to the Woodrow Wilson School for my one class today. Okay, So I just got out of Christian ethics on I'm heading over to meet with, uh, one of my receptors, and then I'm gonna head to lunch. You honey, you want a toe? What you reading called? Trading secrets. What's the word? You mommy doesn't s So we just have lunch and now you just have lunch. Now we're heading back to the library to do some work for a few more hours. Way were at the library working of the past few hours. So now the sun's almost set, and I'm gonna head over to acquire I'm in Chapel Choir so you guys will see what that's like. What is that? They love Jesus loved uses doing bring forth. That was from 5 to 6 30 Um, and now I'm heading over to teach piano lesson. Hud, over with you guys, too, that it was so dark in the chapel rehearsing up there because we're doing a candlelight service tomorrow. So for practicing without dark, it's gonna be with the candles um, yeah, that's what's coming next. Okay, so I just finished teaching, has a little after eight. Our class 2021 sweaters actually came in, so I'm gonna go pick that up, and then I'm gonna head to group study hall. Okay, so it's almost 11 o'clock in a study hall for statistics for a little while. So we did a lot of protein and got really far in our product, so that was good. Um, so now I'm finally gonna head back to my room. Um, I picked up some snacks earlier, and yeah, I mean that. I mean, a pony pajamas on, get in bed, watch a movie that I have to see for class later this week and then go to bed. So I hope you enjoyed following me around for a day.