A Day in My College Life

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So today I'm gonna take you through my life and just walk you through classes on a typical Tuesday, two things. So I figured this would be the perfect way to do it. The best part about having an eight a m class is getting to see the beautiful sunrise every morning. It makes me feel peaceful, makes people relaxed and gets me ready for my day. So after my a t m lecture, I head to the library, and if you're like me and you're a morning person, I would really suggest getting your classes early in the day so you can have the afternoon to do your homework lax, and it really just gives you more productive day. Having early classes has allowed me to have enough time to eat breakfast in between classes, which has really made my day a lot better. I really love morning classes, but it's not for everyone. So make sure that, you know, like what you can handle and pick your classes accordingly. So on Tuesdays after my class, I had to Willis Library and I do homework for about two hours. I eat lunch and then I go to my next class is twelve. When I do some homework, get my stuff together before my next class. My absolute favorite place to study has to be the third floor Evelyn's library. It's my favorite because not only is it quiet There's tons of computers to use tons of chairs, tables to study at and its overall really relaxing place for me to go. So that's where you go almost every single day. I'm now on my way to go eat lunch at my favorite place. It's an all begin cafeteria, one of the only ones in the country believe, So I'm going to eat there now. As you can see on the left, that's a bust there. Tons of us is always going around campus to get you where you need to go soon not lead to your class. It's all begin, and it makes me feel really good. It's it's it's healthy, and I really love eating here. One of my favorite things about you, Auntie, is how beautiful it gets in the spring time. So everything is starting to bloom and get green again, and the sky is just so clear and it feels so great outside. So when I have free time, I love just walking around and seeing all the beautiful buildings and landscapes. Before my class today I go to eagle comments, and I just kind of prepare myself for my next class. I really like this library because it's like one of the oldest libraries here. It's right now I'm sitting in Eagle comments, which is my favorite library on campus is one of the older libraries, but I do come here lock. It's a lot smaller, and I really like the book Little Basement that they have. I took some footage, so we'll put it right here. This is basically a place where I like to go for some quiet studying. So now I'm headed to my next class, which is geography. Then right after that, I have to zoom over to my next class. It's pretty busy, but some Tuesdays go when I've adapted to the busy schedule, having to like power walk two classes, so it's been OK. My next course is a geography course called Global Societies, and me meet in the life science complex, eh, they're two different complexes, but this is where a lot of science causes are in a lot of labs as well, so I tried to get a little bit of footage of the lab, but this is basically what this whole thing looks like. I have ten minutes to walk all the way to the East classroom ruling, which is kind of a walk, But I get there right on time, and this is where one of my emergency management courses are. So I just got in my last class of the day, and now I'm going to go to the library again and do some more work just to catch up with the day. So here's what I see when I walk out of the East class or building. That's a whole lot of U. N T. But not all of it, because we have the union and other really pretty buildings to look at. So that's basically my typical Tuesday at U. N. T..