A Couple Tips for The UC Application With Yu

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Okay, So now we're gonna be talking about advice for the UCSB application or the UC application general, because they're all the same. They're a personal inside Questions to choose from. Like most other schools, Dio and we also don't take any letters of rec unless the school is like, borderline about you. So choose the top four and don't try and depend on one or two questions. Make sure you write every single one to the best of your abilities. Um, you don't want to procrastinate this for sure, Even though a lot of people d'Oh don't do it because you'll be stressed out. Uh, another piece of advice is in your personal insight questions. Try and write about something that they won't see otherwise. So try not to try to stay away from like your stats and your numbers, like your test scores, your g p a extracurriculars. They're going to see that through all the other things that you have to submit. There's just some other things about you that they won't be able to see necessarily unless you write about him and your personal insight. So try and do that because, you see, it's me does not do interviews or anything like that. This is like your one shot to talk about yourself and humanize yourself. Try and make yourself stand out a little bit more and write something that actually means something to you. Another piece of advice that I have for you is to use your resources wisely. So for your personal insight questions a lot of people proof. Read it to the point that it's like, not your own work anymore. It doesn't sound like you because at the end of the day, you're the one applying to the school office of admissions, wants to hear and wants to read about you and only you and not your teachers or anyone else for your personal insight Questions try to steer away from, like kind of like the cliche topics. Um, it does not have to be a big thing that you write about. I wrote about my experience eyes, a basketball player and me choosing not to play baseball in college. That's what I wrote about, and it doesn't have to be a life changing moment. I mean, it depends on the question, but a lot of times it's just like how you grew as a person. So it doesn't have to be a moment where it's like, Oh, going on this service trip really changed my life because I guarantee that there are thousands of people who write about that same exact service trip or like a service trip in general. If you do start early, you're gonna have a lot more time to think about what to actually write. So one of my friends told me that she would keep a sticky note right by her bed and then she she had, like her best essay ideas at night. I like to a M. So she was, like, wake up randomly into a right on the sticky now and then go back to bed. So if you start, really, you're going to have a lot more time to think about it Flushed. So another piece of advice, going kind of back, Teo, the fact that it doesn't have to be a dramatic thing, is that so? I heard the story where someone wrote their essay about Costco and how much they love Costco and got into some of the most procedure schools. So that's just another instance where it literally was. I hope that kind of clear some things up and gives you a couple ideas of what to do and what not to dio. Um, but good luck in your applications and you're going to do great.