A Classroom: In which Ben spins in circles to show off the room but probably just gives you vertigo

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Hey, guys, I am in one of the classrooms here and Walker. Uh, this is actually where I have my production class, so it's the kind of thing where you don't necessarily need to be in, like, one of the very fancy production classrooms. If you're a film student, you could just be in a regular classroom and stuff. You'll also be taking other lecture style courses like fundamentals of speech, communication or other things in rooms like this. There's a workstation desk for the professor. Yeah, this is just kind of the room is like a lot of this class is our lecture style like I mentioned. Also a good amount of them are also workshop based. For example, like I'm in a writing class right now. Like we workshop a lot of the stuff that we do in that and you, a lot of them are also just very discussion based. You end up doing a lot of talking with your fellow students and with the professor, and there's a lot of back and forth and dialogue, that kind of stuff.