3rd Floor Study Room

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We're currently up here on the third floor of the study room. I know it's said you have to be quite on third floor. We are in one of the private study rooms right now eh? So the space is great for group projects for individual work. When you want to isolate yourself, kind of find some space to yourself. Sometimes I feel like I got to get out of my room off campus or out of the university center. Focus on what I'm working on, grind it out here in the library. So this is one of my favorite places around campus to study, not this room in particular, but some of the other study rooms that are around we do study rooms available on all three floors that you can check out whenever you're here in the library. So me and a couple friends of mine are going to be meeting up for class. Have a conversation here and then afterwards will explore some more of campus and see what else we can find today. So I look forward to having you all here with me today.