20 tips for college freshman

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So as you guys know, I am an upcoming software, but also State University. You know, we're not even done like it needs to be in the works. Like make sure you know, you got everything planned out, everything schedule, everything. What makes you always have a plan or a couple plan? Because I don't know how many times my friends have had to have backup plans because it didn't work out. It's not gonna be, You know, I just started today of a straight line. So I feel like if you have a good relationship with them and the end of the semester when you know you need owes 8.5 or one points, maybe they can give it to you because, you know, you try. You went to the study session, you know, you actually tried in the press and they see that they see the effort, they see the work and it will help you in the end. It's especially with getting a job, if you know somebody that knows somebody, You know what I'm saying? You can easily get a job. You know, get to speak or, you know, say thank you when you know you're walking. If you had a job, like all through high school and you know you can handle the job. You know, you don't go to the phase where you just be like name. You know you'll have money coming in and because you're going to spend money in college. People never let you know it's going to be new people. Maybe friends, you know, get to know different people. You don't want to, you know, get involved in something or get involved with a group of people that, you know you can, you know, see yourself growing with. You know, just be careful meeting people. Don't be too shy because, you know, you just meet new people. It's gonna be hard for you to transition into the college life because it's gonna be hard to get involved at first, you're not gonna know anybody. You know, you try to, you know, meet new people or meet people that are in the organization's or head of the events that you want to be involved in. I feel like, you know, just paint one or two orders or maybe even want, or your first year or first semester just to, you know, see how you do with the and the, you know, gradually get better. I don't know how much money each person comes to college with or whatever, or how much you know, your parents are involved in giving you money. You know what I'm saying? Or when I was begging for it and I didn't have money coming in because I didn't have a job But also I just had a summer job at home. You know, you could do what you want when you want whatever you want. You know, just keep those things in the back of your mind when you know you out spending all your money because it's so easy money. That's okay because, you know, there's different alternatives. If you have money to buy our life, you know, groceries every week, healthier groceries, I say Do it because it is so hard to be healthy in college and working out. We started, you know, stressing about works, just about all kinds of things. You really, really need to, like sometimes just take a step back and just, you know, sit down with yourself, figure out what you got going on and just handle it, because if you don't handle it is gonna start building up about end of the semester. So definitely remember that you know, you all have different mance is. You know, if you lose friends in the process and you're probably gonna gain some more if you lose a relationship in the process, you're probably gonna get another one. It's like it's gonna be a time where you're gonna like be, you know, taking a test or doing your work or doing homework or something like like I really need to study for it is and you're not gonna know house. You figure out how you know how to study or how whatever where is for you. You know, go with the whatever and when you get to college is gonna be a lot of I guess, because I peer pressure or, you know, people around you that influence you, whether good or bad. And I just want you guys to know that your values are important. I just say, you know, stay true to your values and beliefs and just go with what you know. If you don't have a major, go in deciding If you know you're deciding between majors, just pick one that you feel is good for you because your major is probably gonna change like, two or three times You're hurt. You know, you have an assignment due in an hour or you have something to next week and you haven't even started on it. You know, makes you manage your time playing out things. Some people can write on their whiteboards just to know what works for you. They'll probably just, You know how you could shoot back with an answer. You're not gonna No, you know what I'm saying? Don't just think, answer.