11 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

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So I've been getting requested a lot videos about college, and I've been getting a lot of questions for a lot of my younger friends who are currently find colleges because we're kind of now just in the middle of college. I'm kind of opening this up to college in general because there are a lot of things that I wish I knew going into college that I didn't really figure out until it was already here. A lot of things I wish I knew before I went to college. We don't really need books, but there are other departments and other majors that do require books don't buy your books until you've gone to the first class or to wait to buy them, because your teachers will more than likely tell you that you don't need them or you'll figure out very soon that you don't. Your room is going to get so cluttered and having your entire room from back home and everything you've owns that you were five years old is not necessary. I know people like some of my close friends with 8 a.m. Class is that they chose to schedule at that time. Like departments, like other majors, you can choose your classes don't pick in a damn class because you're never, ever, ever gonna wake up for that class. So we have each other, but we don't talk to anyone else on our floor, and I have other friends who are on other floors, and they did leave their doors open the first week of school, and they all know each other, and they all talk and they all hang out and they use each other's microwaves and printers and and so jealous about because I don't have a microwave. If you don't do that the first week of school, you can't There's no going back from that, like you can't do it months into school because everyone already has their clicks. You know, you have their friends, they have their groups. Leave your door open because you're gonna meet so many people you wouldn't meet if you don't save your money. This one is like one of those things where it's like I'll tell you this, but I will never actually do it. Save your money because my friends and I talk all the time. About how we're gonna leave college and we're gonna start paying for food and for living and all of these crazy things. We're gonna have no money because our bank accounts are always empty because we're always going out partying. There's always doing things that were always spending money, But we definitely could be saving that. I mean, do things have fun go out, But view where, How much one you're spending and how much money you're saving. I learned the hard way in high school when our teachers would hand out Philip. I like home like many weekends, and I've missed very, very important things on the weekends. I'm literally going toe like, probably frame. My syllabus is in my room next semester to make sure that I know what is going on. I had numerous breakdowns, This task master so much My whole class had them like the thing that you have so money. You're doing all these crazy things and then you realize everyone and is like this. Everyone is wearing sweatpants and sweaters that don't match to class, every having class because close is mine. I probably I'm probably the last person to figure this out, But there are Dunkin Donuts all over our campus. I got there and I was like, Why do we have so many of these things? I never drank coffee before college. I'm in a class of like, 20 ish people, my empty class for a classic about 20 and we're all incredibly close, and everyone goes out all the time like pretty much almost every night, someone, our cost of doing something. At the beginning of the year I was like I need to be out doing things. Why am I not with them? And it felt like when those things I was like, Wow, I'm so left out And it's quite literally isn't I've come to the point where I'm like No, I'm not doing that tonight. You do not need your friends to guilt you into doing all these things every night because you're gonna have no money, no sleep and colleges. If you don't learn how to just say no, Number 10 it's okay not to be best friends do remain. This doesn't really go for me only because my roommate Miranda, is actually like probably one of my best friends at school were, like very, very close, and I got very lucky with Miranda. I have seen a lot of people like class who didn't choose to room with empty people get along very well with their roommates. They're not best friends with the roommates. You don't want your room like your room, your dorm or your roommate to stress you out and give you a negative vibe. It's okay if they're not your best friend. There are a million things going on and you have auditions and callbacks singing part of the class tomorrow. Learn you're there to have fun with your friends College. You're not gonna have free food in your friend's right next door. I loved everyone in my major, all of my class faculty.