10 Things I Wish I Knew About UCSB Before I Came

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So here are ten things that you should know about UCSB. You didn't know before. You're going to be body everywhere, to your classes, off campus, to all your lecture halls everywhere. So you want a really good bike that could last you for the next four years. These people by really quickly on UCSB. And if you're slow, it's tiring. It's frustrating because everyone's life. You are so fast, just causing a lot of traffic Number two. There's a certain type of person that fits a lot. UCSB and I would say, if you are not necessarily naturally a friendly person, you might not fit in. Well, you see, a speak because everyone exists is so friendly. The teacher student ratio is really large, so nobody's going to be constantly watching. I know a lot of people that came in and bought on the mid meal slips. Trust me, start with fourteen and you can adjust any time There's this warrior, but you want to move down or you want to move up. UCSB has a different culture from a lot of other uses in a lot of other private schools that I've seen. So because we're so secluded and we're not any big city, very chilled, relaxed vibe here UCSB, which is really nice. It's something that you also be aware is that nobody really cares. So if you didn't leave Elisa Street, nobody really cares, which is also nice. It was really hard for me to adjust in the beginning just because I wasn't really used his children since I grew up in a city. That's not something really flies really well at UCSB number six. Greek life isn't for everyone, so in a lot of people who come into UCSB really wanna join a sorority or fraternity, which is great. There are a lot of my friends who have to in Greek life, and they absolutely love it. There's a difference between professional fraternities and Greeks, like Greek life, is usually sorties and fraternities. There are medical fraternities, their engineering fraternities, that you remind that you do not have to join Greek life or a fraternity if you do come to UCSB, too. If you want to be new people at the same time, it's not for you. This might come off as a shock, but a lot of people don't enjoy UCSB. They're first year based on my personal experience. I didn't exactly enjoy use his view when I first came here, and I noticed that a lot of my friends were considering transferring out, going to C. C or trying to different school. I think you see speeches feels really different from other places, and there's this aura off cortical on satisfaction as to what you would expect in college. After time they've learned to love UCSB. They wouldn't change it for the world. So if you do first come here, you find that you're not enjoying UCSB like the way you thought you would. Give it time, and I promise you enjoy here after number eight. I know everyone says UCSB is a really pretty campus, which is dead, Definitely true. UCSB is pretty mostly because it is by the beach and has a really nice weather. When the weather is not nice here, the buildings ugly, never die. Point UCSB. We are very big public university, and we definitely are underfunded. So I also didn't have to take a lot of the G classes. That would be really hard for me to enroll into now. Remember, quarter system goes by very, very, very fast. Now, unlike semester system, quarter system is only ten weeks along. So imagine having to take a test every single week for different class. You don't think that I wish I knew when I first came to you. Say it's B. I'm really glad you guys know What's it now.