2025 St. Louis Scholarships

St. Louis residents deal with the same financial burden of college education as the rest of the United States. The median household income for St. Louis residents is $38,664.00, and 15.0% of households earn at least $100,000 annually. We compiled this scholarship database to help residents of St. Louis, MO more easily afford a college education. The scholarship search tool lets you easily browse all types of scholarships by location, type and school.

34.1% of St. Louis residents have a college degree or higher, while 23.2% have a high school degree but no more and 14.3% have less than a high school education. Furthermore, 28.3% have at least some college education, 18.9% have a bachelor’s degree but no higher, and 15.2% have a graduate degree. It’s clear that a significant percentage of St. Louis residents aspire to higher education outcomes, but it’s likely that finances get in the way.

Currently, 10.6% of people living in St. Louis, MO are between the ages of 10 to 19, and another 18.0% are in their twenties. This age demographic is poised to take advantage of the below scholarships in St. Louis.

How much total award money and scholarships are available for St. Louis, MO residents?

There are 522 scholarships totaling $1,709,920.00 available to St. Louis residents.

Are these scholarships available for St. Louis high school students?

Yes, all high school students in St. Louis can apply to these scholarships.

Are these scholarships available for current college students in St. Louis?

Yes, all current college students and undergraduates in St. Louis can apply to these scholarships. Other types of applicants include nursing students, teachers, working moms, etc.

Music Department Scholarship
Missouri State University
Selection is based upon audition.
March 31
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Applicant must attend school in the same state as the sponsoring Auxiliary and submit artwork for a creative, patriotic art competition.
March 31
In-School Players Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must have performance experience in acting and/or music.
March 31
George C. Brooks Scholarship
University of Missouri - Columbia
Applicant must be a minority, have a high composite ACT score, and participate in the Minority Achievement Program, and be in top 10% of high school class. Applicant must enroll first semester after high school graduation.
March 1
Art and Design Department Scholarship
Missouri State University
Selection is based upon portfolio and academic record.
February 15
Alumni Scholarship
University of Missouri - Columbia
Applicant must rank in the top fifth (20%) of secondary school class and have a minimum 26 ACT score, must be recommended by his/her local alumni chapter.
February 1 (Priority)
Community College Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must be a Missouri resident nominated by the president of his or her community college. Letters of recommendation required.
May 1
GED Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must have a minimum GED score of 310. Award not available to recipients of other freshmen scholarships.
August 17 (fall), January 11 (spring)
Florence C. Painter Memorial Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to those planning to teach Spanish.
March 31
William G. and Retha S. Baker Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must rank in the top third of class of a high school in Ozark County, Mo., and demonstrate citizenship and financial need.
March 31
Mahala Denney Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must be from Seymour High School, Mo.
March 31
Army ROTC Supplemental Scholarship
Missouri State University
Applicant must be a recipient of a two-, three-, or four-year Army ROTC scholarship. Selection is based upon academic excellence, military potential, and financial need.
March 31
Founders Scholarship
Fontbonne University
Applicant must have a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale and a SAT Reasoning composite score of 1700 (ACT equivalent score of 25).
December 15
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