Lorena Talks About Architecture!
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I am a second year transfer in architecture department, but I am a senior person who made me really just go for it. She was this sweetest person I have ever met and at my old school seventy years interview the admissions office. So she worked for the department and her that I was finding on transferring soon. Well, why not come here? And I said I would never be able to get in. I would have reported like this place is just out of my range and she totally do it. Without Serena, I wouldn't be here today, so I kind of like my presence here. Her time I was a fine art photography major, trying to figure out what the heck I wanted to do with my life on. Let's call him a trouble and he needed help getting and his major was our picture. So I made him a team and I said, I'LL take your classes with you as long as you show up. Let's just get you through the semester and I will be there the whole time. More than my favorite part is at the end of semester, when all your drawings are penned up and you realize that you've worked months on making this yours. Just watching it come to life basically on the sheets of paper way make physical model. Then it's even more for a position with Mr Really sad, really, especially when they walk up to your stuff like people complimented it. You are married to your major, so it kind of concerns. There's a lot of people who dropped the major, and I find that so hard, just out of fear of like the fact that you can't do it or that it's just hard on thiss world large picture world. People are really need sometimes so you definitely get like a working here is like going. I went by my one piece of advice because in the end it's.