Wofford College Freshman Dorm Tour- Carlisle Hall

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Sorry for the glare, but it's just this cute little gold dry erase decals that Marley got. So the other day it was You are exactly where you need to be hashtag trust the process with a little heart. She is so good about doing that every morning when she wakes up and I have classes afterwards that sometimes she'll leave me sweet little notes and it's so cute. Um, this is Marley's little jewelry dog, and it's a terrier. Um, we're a little bit ready for fall in case you can't tell. On this top part is a sweet little canvas that Marley painted right there. She signed it and she's just so art seal like, why can't I do that? Here's our little terrier black and gold box. You know, all right, this drawer is a little bit deeper, so these are all my skirts, and nice short. It's, um, some leggings and some nicer flowy pants down here. Then all of my jeans are in this little stack right here and bottom we have all of my extra towels, washcloths and sheets. Moving on here is our little living area, if you will. Um, we actually got this credenza thing off of Facebook marketplace. Um, and then we have this little basket here with some playing cards in it for you. Marley brought that our suite mates actually gave us this sweet, little, um, flower. I'm sure all of our guests love that inside these little cabinets. I showed you guys are Roque, you promote and some cute little, um, What are they called? Coasters. Um, the gold pillows where? Graduation gifts to Marley and the monogram pillow. I kind of just stuck my little laundry basket back their casino. Um, that's actually a shower caddy, because I thought I was gonna have a whole bathroom. Right now it's housing some essential essential, um, laundry products. Then I got this amazing little organizer for jewelry from I'm pretty sure Marshall's, but it's really easy for me to just pick out whatever jewelry. We just have a command hook with our robe on it, and there's her command hook with her robe and this is my little cube. Um, this is a cute little Wofford print that I was the first thing I bought for my dorm room. Um, so on the back, I just have these hooks from Target. This little cross it says, Let your faith be bigger than your fear. Okay, um, so this is where I plug in my apple watch. This fan I actually had in my bedroom at home, I sleep with it on every night just because it creates a little bit of noise. So every semester, I'm gonna keep my work from the semester in one of these little things so that I can refer to it for, like, higher level bio classes, my sunglasses, my Bible. I have this really cute little organizer for makeup, and I just thought it was cuter tohave sitting around in a makeup bag. Then my mom just loves the 2nd 1 and it says, Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love where I have put my trust in you And there's my little Boston terrier and a beautiful painting that my roommate painted when I say she's talented, I'm not kidding. This is my little corkboard with some pictures of Philip and I have some friends My dad blanket, bedding, pillows, the teddy bear. Um, there's some curtains that we hung up with command hooks, believe it or not. She has the same little been that I have a couple other ones on top, Just just kind of store things. So it's there, um microwave fridge, my drink of choice. There's a little cart that our fridge sits on. You guys check the dollar section and this cute little painting, and then we have this card both of these roll, by the way, which is really useful, because if we need something on this side, we just roll it out and grab it. Thes sweet little terrier towels that Marley brought. Then right here we have some tiny little gold hooks that we just keep our keys on. This is a little terrier pouch, um, for your keys, but we just keep it hung on here all the time. Just cause it's a cute And then this is a sweet little board letter board that my friend Morgan got for me.