How to stay fit at Wheaton
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Here you can see behind me there's a whole gym which has all the stereotypical equipment in there, like ellipticals and treadmills and that sort of thing. So I'm going to go ahead. Up to the upper level of the game is that you can see some of the other stuff we have here, So I'm going up. You could see beside me is there's also a hot tub here, so that pretty awesome. Um, and then on the lower level, underneath the track, our Jim says, basketball, I think. It, um what else is fun here? Oh, there's a pool. I'm gonna go ahead and sure you dance too, because we have one of those pretty Austin. Are someone's in there? Basically, this is a dance studio. There's a dance that happens on campus every year and anyone's invited to do it. We rehearsed in there like once a week, and then we had this big recital and their phone got to dance. There's all sorts of different kinds of dance, like hip hop, and there is an African step and hula on DH, all sorts of different things that you can. I did ballet in contemporary and jazz and that sort of thing, so that's pretty much the gym. That's at the other end, and there are people practicing. I can show you that right now outside, there's a tennis court, and then there's also a baseball field off campus where our team practice there.