A Look Inside A Classroom

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So I am currently in one of my classrooms right now. Eso I'm all alone, so I'm gonna take off my mask. Um, so this is one of my classroom actually knew for two classes, I take public speaking as well as, um, senior seminar, which is your senior capstone for the end of your time, Carrolton. It may look a little different or will be called something different, but it is basically the same thing S O. This is basically what our classroom looks like right now is very spaced out because we're only allowed to have so many people in the classroom. It's okay because it works out because there aren't very many people in our classroom. This classroom holds both the biggest class in this always class that I take eso the classes that I mentioned before advanced public speaking on only has five students in it. So they join us from all the way in Arizona, which is crazy just to get up at like six AM for class, which is does not sound fun to me. Um, but my biggest classes also in this classroom on that holds about 15 students. Eso it definitely is a very small classroom type of school, I think the biggest class that I've ever been in waas, my biblical literature class which all students agree to take. That's just because it's a general education class, so lots of people have to take it. So I'm gonna move to a different spot in the room so you can kind of see what it feels like to be a student here, So we're gonna do that right now. Okay, so this is basically what it looks like in my classroom. It usually there would be about two people sitting in one of these tables. We get one to ourselves so you can spread out a little bit. I have to worry about touching other people's things. We do get a lot of one on one time with our professors, which is great. We're not just a face and a number in the crowd were actually a person with a name way have feelings. We are here to learn and be taught by these professors and not just pushed aside on. Hopefully we get that information, which is really great and one of the things I really enjoy about Owen Um, one of the other things are you meet with an advisor every semester and your advisor will become your best friend. Believe me, you want them to be your best friend because that is the person you could go Thio to basically ask any question, Dr Gardy, That is who my advisor is, and he is wonderful. One of my favorite stories to tell is that when I was looking for a summer internship, which is something most students have to do to complete their major, it was over the summer on. I was like, I don't know if he's gonna answer me in summer. He really answered me that night and We got it set up the next day so that I would be able to get credit for my internship, which was so amazing on. I'm so thankful for him and all of the other professors here on campus. So the last thing I'm going to talk about in this video is the type of classes you have. So here at Houghton, we have a huge variety of classes, so it's not just like you come in, you do your lecture, you go home. Now, some professors do just do lecture classes, but when they do that, they usually make it fun. I know I had a three hour lecture class the one year, and I thought it was going to be exhausting, but it actually ended up being really fun and the middle our we turned into a discussion. Our So we he lectured the first hour we had discussion about what we just heard on. And we ought to ask questions for the last hour. Um, some of the other classes I've gotten to take here I've gotten to take a lab class, which was so fun, I took a class called sirens and superheroes, which is perfect for people that are not science people, which is me. Like I said, my senior seminar class on that is definitely a discussion class. We read our book and then we come in on We just discussed the topics a t end of that class. We're actually going to be writing a pretty big research paper. Um, get ready for that little bit of research that we have to dio on. That book has really been helping me decide what I want to do my research on. So it's really interesting to hear other people's thoughts on what we're trying to dio and how we're trying thio be a part of society within this class and what's gonna happen next to us? Um, as students in my major eso Next, I'm going to talk a little bit about my major. I'm probably going to be in a little bit of a different location for that s o. I'd love for you Thio. Follow me along, um, to the next video where I talk about how my major works and a little bit about what I have to dio to finally get that and graduation goal. Who just hopefully gonna happen this spring, which is super fun.