Let’s talk about residential life!

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So before I take you guys around to show you a little bit around my dorm building and more of my dorm, which I am in right now, this is a bed. Um, I wanna tell you some things about my experience with dorm life and how you can be active in your dorm life and have your best experience, hero and eso. One of my top questions that I get asked is, how do you get along with your roommate s? Oh, I've actually had a lot of roommates here, A Cohen, which sounds bad, but it's really not because people change and people decide they want different things during their different years. Freshman year, I had a roommate we met at our Accepted Students weekend, which is a really fun weekend that incoming freshmen get to come and spend some time at. If you decide that something you want to do after you've been accepted into our schools, programs, eso I met her there and she was a wonderful friend on. We she played softball, so I went to a lot of your softball games. She came to all my theater events, and we just had a really great friendship. Eso The next year we decided that we were not going to room together but still remain. Friends were friends today, Um, she's probably a friend that I'll have for life, but she rooms with some of her softball friends, and she's now living in an alternative living option. Three town houses with a group of girls from the softball team S O. I was put back into the system, which is called room Draw and roommate draw. So you fill out this information on the wonderful Beth Pfeiffer, who is our housing? Uh, guru. Oh, she goes through all of the every single one of the applications. She reads through all of them to find out who would be the best fit to go together on she puts you together. That I still currently have as a senior, is my roommate, currently a senior. Her name is Katie, and she is one of my best friends. I I'm actually going to be her maid of honor at her wedding this summer. Um, but we room together as sophomores at Gillette, which is right here on. Then we moved together with a group of friends into a townhouse on That is a larger housing option for juniors and seniors. So we live their junior year with a great group of friends. We had an awesome time, but they're actually renovating the townhouse that we wanted to live in this year. Luckily, there are enough of us that we could pare off on just remain with our roommates in a different dorm. As a senior, I currently live in lamb bine, which you're going to see in my next video. We actually live right across from the laundry room, which is super cool, because we want to walk up and down the stairs to do laundry. We also have a great parking lot right outside so we can park their cars there and go back and forth places. Though we don't know very many places this semester due to the season we're living in. One of the really cool things right outside our window. Actually, there's a beautiful creek that you could go take walks in as well as a fire pit that we often have dorm fires in Esso We go. Well, we make Marshall knows we have a great time talk around the campfire. I, I hope you watch my next video to check out what my dorm room looks like. A little bit about what my dorm building looks like.