What Do the Ambassadors and the PLUS Team Do?

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I'm also student ambassador, working this to engage my office as a leadership program, the assistant. So I get to plan incoming events for freshmen on campus. She does a lot of things here on campus to see her around. If you come for a tour in person, like she said, she's on plus teams who would like to see her. You want to explain those? And what are your responsibilities for Krusty? Yeah, so plus team stands for appear letters, understanding students. Basically, what our role is is to work with freshman who have already been admitted, and we look into some orientations of them tell about what they're advising their registration as well as any other questions that you might have to give them housing tours. Then we also put in a new suit of sinister because a week before soon's come on campus. What we do is we have events that happened Sunday through Sunday, and it's literally seven AM toe one AM Social events, events, events that just keep happening over and over again, way just like to make sure that freshman Armando elections on campus and they're working to get connected with the right people and that you know where all the different classes are. So what an ambassador's position is is we work with prospective students. So unlike posting where we're already working with students who are admitted, we're working with teams who are admitted and they're looking at different colleges in the area. So as an ambassador, it's kind of my job to really be the face of Western, as in I really sell Western of it. So Ellie has an ambassador will give a tour of the rest of the campus while I just give tours of the president's house. So what is your favorite part about both of those passions going? Maybe rip part is being able to make those connections on busting me get to make connections of not only the student but also the family and sending your child off to college can be like a very sentimental moment, but it can also be bittersweet. So being able to make those connections parents and, uh, really allow them to realize they're in a safe place and they really are home here in Western is definitely the best. My freshman year and Western is one of the only schools in organ. If I want to do all my prerequisites here for nursing, I could just stay in Monmouth. Infinite mission graduate with my nurse three, so it's not really interesting to me. So how would you describe the student body? Yeah, so I would describe the student body as extremely diverse. The student body here has students from all different areas. We also have a large population of international students, which is six percent of our campus. If you think about being on a smaller campus, that is quite a large amount. Then we also just have a lot of students who want to be involved in different things. So you'll have people who want to work with nations. They'll have people who also want to work with different clubs, organisations. So being able to have that divers, population and diverse student body just really is allows for a very long around the campus. Yeah, so you say six percent of the campus about how many students are there? We were given here. What type of education focused in what is your career aspirations? Yeah. Then how would you describe the academic climate here, Lou? In the education program And then? Yeah. I would just say that Western is very strong academically, but you're not a smaller university. You really get that one on one experience their professors also with your peers, and it's just so important to college. Okay, So what is your favorite and least favorite thing about? You could be honest. Yeah, So my favorite thing about Wu is definitely being on a smaller campus. That's one thing that's really attracted to me, especially because he had to make connections with all different students, all different parents and faculty and etcetera. My least favorite thing about Western is Monmouth is a smaller area, So luckily, I am from, uh, New York town, so I'm only from about twenty five minutes away, so I really don't have to go that far to do things. There's not a lot of things Tio Dio, unless you have it all generally figured out before you. It's really nice to be in a small town, but it could be definitely a big change. What is your favorite place to eat off campus either In Mom, the cost of freedom? For sure. I'm really big on Mexican food and that is something for me. Okay, well, is there anything else you'd like to add? I think that whatever school you end up choosing, I think that Westerners summit you should deeply consider. If you do have the ability, Tio, come out here in schedule.