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The Honors Program at Western Oregon University
Western Oregon University has an awesome Honors Program, which I am part of and I absolutely love! There are a lot of perks to being in the Honors Program, and one of those perks includes having our own dedicated Honors classroom, which we're in right now! This is a discussion-based class classroom, which I am much more fond of than a lecture hall.
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So now we're in at the honors classroom and the academic program and Support services building. I am part of the honors program, and I personally love it. You also have smaller class sizes, lots of fun, stuff like that. Like I said, this is the hottest costume, two glasses and here this term, and this costume is only used by honors students. I have philosophy class this morning, and we were talking about Plato. So the otters costume that we're in right now this is pretty similar to a lot of classrooms here on campus. It will like you saw in the Richard Woodcock Education Building. We don't like to sit at desks in rows here, way like to sit in rounds, and we liketo have communication with each other about something really value.
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