Waldo Library
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This is the library from the outside, and this is inside. Um, not including the basement and each floor as you go up a level gets quieter. This is the main level where there's lots of printers and computers. Lots of resource is from W ME authors to every other author that I can name W Muse, also very innovative with new technologies. We even have a virtual reality lab, which is awesome. They built it over spring break, and it's really exciting because they have coffee from local coffee roasters and they have lots of drinks for sale. They have salads and sandwiches, health bars, muffins and water. The library's open until two a. M. But during finals week, the library's actually open twenty four hours, and they have people working at all times. They have security to make sure nothing happens when you're studying late at night, and they also during finals week, bring in different like snacks or drinks, and we'LL have him in the front lobby, and they'LL go on the system and announce that there's, you know, fresh fruit in the lobby or doughnuts, which is so good there's always something going on. They're always looking for new ways to support you in your education, and they're constantly taking surveys and comments and actually working to improve those. So it's really great because they're supporting you and your voice does not go unheard.