Wrap up/Campus views!

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I know you would love Westchester if you could see it with your own eyes, but I just want to leave you with some advice. So as a freshman graduating freshman, it's super important. That's one of the most important things you can do as a college student, whether that's getting the right food. Exercising, resting, sleeping more, just you need to take care of yourself. It's a very different environment than living at home with your parents. That's really important, because if you start off poorly, it'll be really hard to gain momentum as you go through college career. As a college student, you hear all the stories about college students being broke. It's true, but you can change that if you save your money, so don't go out as much as you think you should, um, but just keep track of your money and earn some, if you can. I got a on campus job this year, so that's really been helping me save up some money. Fourth, definitely one hundred percent joins them clubs. It's super hard to make friends in college if you don't engage so joins in clubs, it's you're surrounded by people with similar interests. You get to do something you love, and it enhances your entire college experience. We have a million clubs here, so you have a huge variety to pick from and fit. There's so many mental illnesses that go unnoticed at college campuses, but you need to know what you need as a student and for yourself. If you take care of yourself, you can enjoy everything. Westchester has so many offerings to make your experience the best.