Libary Tour

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I just wanted to talk about the work load here a little bit before I go into the tour. So I feel like every school you're going to have a big for glowed that wasjust there. Now, I really want you to succeed and always reach out to them, Tio, because they are like, Oh, my professors are good. What I recommend Dio is really gets into your professors e mail them groups of them in classroom, first day, first or second day, and we will get to know them so that they know your face because I don't really help you with succeeded. I love coming to the library because it helps me focus better. Like the reports, right now, like this is like a part where people can, like, talk a little bit full. Mind if you're talking so behind your computers where you can turn out anything. We do turn out something you need your student ID and then you just swipe it, and then it'll print out. A lot of people do their work in here much, so right now we're going to the other side. It's like the help desk in case you need any help finding books. So you want to go upstairs? These are the elevators you could take up there. That's if it's really quiet, talks a lot, and then it also well link to Starbucks. So we'll always have Starbucks and go into the ward. So we're all done with the tour for the library of the show, and it looks like from the outside, really nice.