What's a typical Friday night at Wesleyan? "Loud Side vs Quiet Side"
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No, Okay, just typical Friday night at Wesleyan, I'd say a lot of the social life that I dove into. It's really silly, but it seems to permeate throughout the entire culture. There's like get side where they don't play music and then allowed cyber. They do play music and that I'd sytems to be like artsy, you know, like that Wesleyan stereotype and then outside has, like, Jackie. So those world kind of go out into the social life, too. So there's like fountain, which is a street where when you're senior there they have seen your houses and fountain is this very populated street with seniors and on Friday nights close them sometimes kind of dead. But it has, like more frat like parties, any um, and that's often like till outside scene. So it's like sort of someone knocks with the ox, just like playing kind of hits of the time on DH. Then there are other parties, and I'm not saying this is just for us, But at the start and then their concert four, it's so it's so stupid. So there's like Earth House all these programme houses that sophomores and juniors living so hurt. How's Romero? And then maybe you've heard about the eclectic music, so it's like this huge house.