What College is Really Like
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So one of the things that's really interesting about college is that we're all always together. All of our friends are always like in the same place, basically. Because of that, I always find myself like running into people I like, really enjoyed being around. I also just find myself working collaboratively with people a lot more than I did in high school. This isn't just for like, classes or anything. Sorry if you hear he was rattling around on the ground. I was actually just working in a lounge with my film crew and I walked out and literally George was here skating. I know this is like the prettiest tree I literally ever seen. I saw this tree from a distance and I was like, I need to go. One other super different thing about college is that you're constantly meeting new people. It's crazy how many people I've met in the past, like two months, who are now like some of my best friends. It's like actually insane and part of that is just we're all like together, and it's kind of what we got to do till, like survive as humans who need social interaction. It's just so fun to meet new people and form relationships. It's just something I personally, really enjoy. I love having connection with people, so it's just great that I didn't, like, meet new people literally every single day, like it's kind of an endless supply of literally amazing people. One thing that is true about college in general is you have to be really good about, like, managing your time in an effective way to get really overwhelming really fast. You can have two days where you're just like kind. Often you don't really get stuff done right away and then, like everything is off for like a week and 1/2 until you kind of get back into the group of construction. Things that I really enjoyed myself actually helped a lot like you to have a schedule like I do. It's club and stuff like that, where it's just like, kind of organized like this is a time when I'm doing something, but I really enjoy whoa from May whisper sure down by recently exposed for having a video. That's 10 things I hate about fall, which I didn't realize I get forgot I made that. I just so I can't believe it right now because, like, why would I hate that? Like, look at her. Oh, I got really just sending it with the DSR lately like I'm just I'm just walking right now. Let's go talk to George even though he's really stressed trying to finish a paper but also skating because he gotta do what he loves, you know? Do you love talking, George? Because I love meeting new people, and I was just crazy to keep me people crazy, like they're just like an endless Yeah, I mean, it's my last freaking year and like everything is different this semester because I have new friends like you, like it's crazy. It's just constantly changing so much, and it's it's really good. Make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos from me. You can also go follow me on apple music at Iris Olympia. I've been asking you all to leave comments of your favorite fall songs, and you haven't been doing it. I also have a single now on like apple music Spotify, Google play all the works. It's been out for a while, but I just got it on all the major platforms. So if you want to, like, check that, I'll take your pills. Go. Listen, I'm just I'm so excited about it. Let me just say colleges that you're constantly meaning me.