Nightlife at Wesleyan
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You know, I used his personal preference like as a freshman, you know, you're gonna have a lot of fun because you know, you're new. You're gonna want to explore goto audio from parties and stuff like that. I'm a junior now, and I kind of like, have done all of that, like I've been to the same party scene in sexiness. I've seen the same people, and so I'm kind of you know over it. I mean, I go out every now and then, but the night like the school, like, I feel like it's always something to do. Like they're always be like some party or something going on. If that's not, you know your your preference. Like there's other things that don't involve alcohol or partying. You, Khun, are like student assembly Group always tries to put on something for students who we prefer not to go out and sew like first. Since we'll have, like a like a mechanical bull, come to camp. I mean, like, set up in AA. It's like the main part of campus. People could go on that like a knight like they had, like, bingo are, like, different, you know, different games and stuff and was really cool that they always will give prizes out, too. So you can get like, free free gift cars to goto wall martyr like something that you know, something convenient and practical and saw only like that, because, you know, it gives kids a different option.