housing at Wesleyan

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As faras housing goes, freshmen are placed in dorms. Then you can replace and Butterfields, which we call the. You could be placed in The West Co. You can be placed in Clark, or you can be placed in Bennett oik, Me Place and a program house, which is called Writer's Block. When you are applying for housing, it's random. Your freshman year, it's You don't know where you're gonna live, which can be a tad bit stressful, but it's actually not because it always just works out. They're pros and cons every single dorm, and you usually find that it's okay and everyone's okay with where they're living like it's fine. There's a ton of singles that you can live into, which is great. I know I lived in a single my freshman year, and I know a ton of other people that lived in singles. That's an option that I don't think I would have had if I went to a different college on DH. Then, as you progress to the years Wesleyan. You either live in program housing or dorm housing and up until your junior year and then your senior year. That's where you'll either get to live in a house or an apartment all on campus, because everyone at Wesleyan lives on campus, which is also a great part of it is that there's not people that are off campus, so it doesn't make the social life the social scene kind of scattered. It's really condensed, which was great, because then you have everything available to you if you don't have to walk far, taken uber or anything like that. As Faras housing goes, it's pretty awesome because I hoped that because a lot of senior top houses and I hope is a senior, I have a house because that seems pretty dope.