Food at Wes!
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So dining Leslie and requires that all students enroll in a meal plan here, and our meal plans consist of meal swipes and points. So meal swipes are just basically like you swipe your card and that's like a meal. Then points are like you get like five hundred points, and you can spend it any way you want at any of the dining halls or any of Yeah, I mean, the dining halls are like grocery stores or something. Um, on the whole point of it is like it's supposed to wean you off meal plans like your fresh marry. You had, like, manage your money and like, how do we basically start cooking? Because, like when you go off into the real world, you can't just always have meal plans with meals, wipes. I'm actually feeling it now because I'm having to start to cook more Mohr. My roommate's helping me, so yeah, so there's two dining halls that take meals wipes, which are We'll use Dan and summer fields, which we call it some ease. Which is swings that will take points. We have a grocery store in campus, which is called West Shop. Al Fidel, which is the literary society, has star in Crescent, which is like a lunch and dinner kind of like restaurant in their house, where he could use points. Pai Cafe, which isn't actually you can use points. There's really, really a lot of tiny options, which is nice. Actually, if I'm being brutally honest, which it tells me to be brutally honest, I really, really, really, really, really like the food here has, like an A plus rating on like Nietzsche, whatever online and like at the at the dining hall, there's like the kosher line. I'm not vegan or kosher, but I'm really glad that those options are available for the for people who are say it.